Saturday, February 29, 2020

1984 Novel Essay

1984 Novel Essay I think that today’s society is a â€Å"half version† of George Owell’s novel, 1984, in some ways it is similar and in others, uniquely different. The closest we come today to a â€Å"Big Brother† is the mob. The people are also controlled by watchful security cameras and subliminal messages. However, something in life today is very different from that of 1984, it is the people. In the words of the famous lyricist, â€Å"Power to the People. † In analyzing â€Å"Big Brother,† there are similarities between it and the mob. The Mafia is a crime amily that can see everything, there is no going against the mob or else someone is going to die. The Mafia is so widespread that it has operatives all over keeping an eye out for cops or law enforcement, this is the Mafia’s â€Å"telescreens† (Orwell 6). Another startling similarity between the mob and â€Å"Big Brother† is the Mafia’s strange way of making someone disappear or â€Å"vaporize† (Orwell ). Almost unknowingly a person’s identity can be changed, altered, or deleted. Authorities use security and surveillance cameras to observe criminal activities or possibly every day activities. Too much surveillance liberties are given to police or FBI. By using hi-tech cameras which can actually document a person’s life. Unknowingly, there may be a cute little camera installed in the bedroom. Another way that today’s society controls the masses is subliminal messages. Illegal now, subliminal messages were widely used in the entertainment business, especially during the fifties. An example is that movie makers would add a split-second commercial add for popcorn and soda during a movie. Customers would actually be manipulated into buying these products. Even though, this kind of rainwashing is illegal, it is still very hard to detect, who’s to say that we are not bombarded by subliminal messages just by watching commercials on television. This is too risky, to think that a person’s actions and emotions can be swayed by someone else’s perversion’s. Again, this is very similar to 1984. Of all the things there are today that would make it impossible for there to be an inner or outer party, as in 1984, is that there is each other. No matter how hard our government tries, they cannot reach everyone. Contrary to 1984, where they do get everyone, I feel that was extreme and unlikely. I find it highly unlikely that a form of government can find a way to get the whole world to follow them. 1984 is not a reality, strength lies in numbers. In conclusion, life in the nineties, is a very resilient time. In this time, there is a substantial amount of restriction of the public, much of which is for law and order. A lot of this day and age may resemble George Orwell’s 1984. It is nothing but a facade of government mixing with technology at a dangerous level. There’s nothing to fear because 1984 is far-fetched and an anti-socialists nightmare.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Business and cultural differences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business and cultural differences - Essay Example But this expansion also needs to recognize the culture of the people. The way the people dress, different ways for analyzing problems and how they interact are very important to understand in order to find the communication gap between the nations. Without proper communication several problems may arise due to difference in the cultural practices. In this study we will find the differences between the cultural backgrounds of UK and that of the acquisition company at China. Several issues which could arise within the organization due to cross cultural activities have been discussed in this study in order to successfully deal with any potential issues (Burton, 2009, p.8). 2 Cultural differences between United Kingdom and China The culture of the nation is often defined from the collective programming of the different minded people. The cultural differences are basically formed from four dimensions of the culture of a nation. These are basically power distance, individualism, masculinit y and uncertainty avoidance. Based on these factors the culture of the nation varies to a great extent from country to country. 2.1 Power Distance Index The power distance index is the indicative of the distance between the top management and the subordinates. In high power distance culture they have inequality of power and wealth in the society. This is not forced on the population but comes from the cultural heritage of the country. China has a highly power distance culture which is ranked 80 compared to the world average of 55, while in UK it’s around 30. Therefore in China the people maintain a great distance in different levels of the organization which sometimes leads to an unfriendly workspace with professional relation being the priority in business. Every employee is not free to express their feelings and they are not allowed to take any business decision. The top management are only responsible to take critical decisions in the business. In UK business strategy, the supervisors are well mixed with the subordinates thus creating a very friendly and healthy workspace since the power is well distributed and dew to very small distance between the levels everyone is invited to share their own thoughts on the business plans. The business plans are taken after discussion with all the levels of the organization. Every individual are encouraged to share their ideas and before taking final decision by top management the suggestions from subordinates are kept in mind. 2.2 Individualism Individualism is working with single responsibility and without interacting with peers in the organization. On the other hand collectivism is working in groups and taking decision collectively without questioning loyalty. Individualist business organisation has very little ties between individual employees. Due to the ancient cultural heritage of China the family or relation are between peoples in the society are very strong and the people are very loyal towards each other . Collectivism is the practice in China society who have a close and committed members in the group be it a family or a business. Everyone takes

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Global Business - Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Global Business - - Assignment Example At the same time, a SWOT analysis and a PEST analysis have been employed for revealing the potentials of the organization to improve its performance through internationalization. Three different methods for entering the market chosen are presented. It is concluded that the expansion of the firm in a foreign market could highly support the increase of its profitability but only if certain terms are met, as indicatively highlighted in the sections that follow. In any case, it seems that the continuous monitoring of the relevant process is necessary for avoiding unexpected failures. One of the most important characteristics of the global market is its high competitiveness, a fact that has been related to the expansion of globalization (Griffin 2008). At this point, the following issue appears: how the potential of a firm to face the challenges of the global environment can be measured? The use of strategic tools, as those presented above, could possibly help towards this direction. Still, it is necessary to refer also to the global market trends in regard to the industrial sector involved (Nummela 2010). In the case under examination, emphasis should be given on the electronics industry. The global electronic industry is characterized by trends for growth. In fact for 2013 the growth of the industry has been estimated to 5.4% (QFinance 2012) with trends for further growth in the years that follow. Of course, the influence of the recent recession on the particular industry has been severe, as also in all industries worldwide. Still, it seems that the potentials of the particular industry to face market pressures are important, even if not all parts of this industry has presented signs of growth (QFinance 2012). The above facts are critical when having to evaluate the potential prospects of Elecdyne’s internationalization process. In case that the firm had tried to expand but in different environmental conditions, meaning the trends in the